Every business is striving to reach the right people with their advertising message and there is a diverse range of media that are available today. In this short article, we investigate media buying, giving some examples of cost-effective media for business advertising.
Australia’s top media buying agency would work in the following avenues:
- Television – One of the most powerful advertising mediums; a top media buying agency can secure prime time spots on all Australian TV channels. Aside from the main national TV channels, there are local outfits that you can work with.
- Podcasts – This is an emerging medium that can be very successful for local business advertising; you could be a guest and tell the listeners how your business began and this can lead to a following. Use Google to find local podcasters and send them an introductory email requesting to be a guest. You can either turn up at their studio or do a Zoom interview, depending on the podcaster.
- Local radio – There is always a place for the local FM radio stations, when you can hammer home your message. A targeted radio campaign is a great way to let the local community know about your brand and what it represents.
- Printed media – Despite the emergence of digital media, printed content still has a place in your campaign. You will need quality brochures for shows and exhibitions, while traditional flyers are another avenue worth pursuing. Handing out promotional literature at shopping malls and sports arenas is a good way to spread your message.
- Billboards & digital screen displays – They work and are great for branding; even though passers-by don’t think about what they see, regular exposure to a brand works subconsciously.
- Sponsorship – Investing the community by sponsoring local sports team and good causes puts your brand in all the right places. People will identify you with helping local teams as they strive to compete.
- Social media influencers – The right product can really be pushed if you work closely with social media influencers and a top agency has all the contacts to make it happen. Imagine a celebrity with millions of followers telling the world they use your products! There are celebrity agencies that represent top influencers and making a connection could be just what your business needs.
- Web media – Google, YouTube and Netflix are just some of the major media giants that you can work with.
An agency with a good reputation has a much better reach that you could ever have; they have a process to assist their clients, which starts with a brand assessment, which leads to compiling a marketing plan.
Free brand health assessment
When you approach a media buying agency, the first thing they do is take a close look at your company, which tells them where you are in terms of brand recognition. They compile a report and also present the client with a branding development plan that details the various media avenues to explore. You can schedule a Zoom meeting with their team and discuss ad placement and content and when you are in agreement, the plan is implemented. Click here for tips on developing an effective SEO strategy.
Focus your marketing on the best platforms
It makes no sense to place ads on ineffective media platforms or media avenues that your target groups do not use; the media buying agency has connections with all media platforms and by focusing on the right media, you get the most from your advertising dollars. The agency knows how specific media avenues perform and can tailor the ads to your business.
Merging with digital marketing
The media buying agency doubles as a digital marketing agency, acquiring space on top digital platforms; this eliminates the need to deal with multiple agencies. Assessment is important before the marketers create a plan, as this tells them the strengths and weaknesses of the client profile, which ensures the plan is suited.
To conclude, placing ads on the right media platforms offers a higher ROI than traditional digital marketing and by connecting with the best Australian agency, you can get a critical edge on your rivals. Marketing is in a constate state of evolution, with new digital platforms being created on an almost daily basis.