How To Install ZPhisher In Termux

ZPhisher is a powerful phishing tool that can be used to perform ethical hacking and penetration testing. With the rise in mobile device usage, many security researchers and enthusiasts are leveraging Android devices to test networks and systems.

Termux provides a Linux environment on Android, allowing you to install and run various Linux-based hacking tools. If you are an old user of Termux, then you might know about ZPhisher. In this guide, We will learn how to install ZPhisher on Termux. Before getting started, we need to know about ZPhisher.

Note: This article is for educational purposes only. We have written this article to instruct you about such kinds of phishing attacks that are done by attackers. We are not responsible for any misuse of this article or tool. 

What is ZPhisher?


ZPhisher is an advanced phishing toolkit developed by Htr-tech. It allows a user to perform phishing attacks on several sites and popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Netflix, and several more. 

It is an automated phishing tool that lets you perform phishing attacks on nearly 30 platforms with 30+ templates. ZPhisher allows you to use Ngrok for port forwarding and to host phishing websites. Good knowledge of social engineering is required to perform phishing.

It is an upgraded version of the Shellphish tool. However, the developer of ZPhisher has removed unnecessary codes and added much more features to ZPhisher.

This tool can be easily installed on platforms like Termux, Ubuntu/Debian/Kali, Arch Linux/Manjaro, and Fedora.

Features of Zphisher

  • It has the latest login pages
  • It provides you multiple tunneling options
  • Easy to use and User-friendly tool.
  • Automated phishing attacks against many sites like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  • Customizable phishing pages to clone legitimate websites.
  • Tracking of phishing results like IP address, location, OS, browser, etc.
  • Masking the phishing URL to look like a legitimate site.
  • Exporting results data into a spreadsheet.

How To Install ZPhisher In Termux

Follow the below steps one by one carefully to avoid any error while installing ZPhisher to your Termux.

1. Open your Termux, update, and upgrade your pkg repository by using the following command.

pkg update && apt pkg -y

2. Install all the dependencies that are required to function ZPhisher properly. ZPhisher needs PHP, wget, curl, OpenSSH, and git to work correctly. So let's install these dependencies by using the below command.

apt install git php openssh curl wget -y

3. Now, clone the ZPhisher to your Termux by using the git command.

git clone

4. Go to the directory.

cd zphisher

5. Give shell script file permission to read, write, and execute.

chmod +x

6. Run the shell script file to begin the installation of the Zphisher.


7. That's it Zphisher has been installed. Now you can run Zphisher every time by executing the above command.

Final Thoughts

And that's it! We have installed ZPhisher on Termux and configured it for use. ZPhisher is a very versatile phishing tool that can be used to test the security awareness of users.  Make sure to only use this tool for authorized testing and never target or harm others with it. Proper reconnaissance, scoping, and approval must be attained before simulating any phishing attacks.

We've only covered the basics of getting ZPhisher running on Termux in this guide. Refer to the tool's documentation and other online resources to explore its full capabilities. There are many options for customizing phishing pages, tracking results, masking URLs, and automating attacks. 

ZPhisher on Termux provides an efficient environment for mobile pen testing and ethical hacking. With some creativity, you can utilize the tool's phishing capabilities to identify security vulnerabilities in a safe and controlled manner. Just be sure to follow all applicable laws and regulations when performing security testing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some example FAQs that users may ask when searching for information on installing ZPhisher on Termux:

Q #1) What are the requirements to install ZPhisher on Termux?

A: The requirements are a device running Android 5.0 or higher, a Termux app installed from the Google Play Store, and a minimum of 100MB storage and 512MB RAM. 

Q #2) How do I configure ZPhisher after installing it on Termux?

A: After installing via apt install, edit the zphisher.conf file to configure options like port, credentials list, and phishing pages. Run ./ to start it.

Q #3) Does ZPhisher work on both rooted and non-rooted Android devices?

A: Yes, ZPhisher works on both rooted and non-rooted devices as it only requires Termux and doesn't need root access.

Q #4) What troubleshooting steps should I try if ZPhisher is not working?

A: Check for errors during installation, verify zphisher.conf is correctly configured, ensure the dependency packages are installed, and check if the port is in use by another program.

Q #5) Is using ZPhisher for phishing attacks legal? 

A: ZPhisher should only be used to perform authorized security testing. Phishing attacks against unaware users are unethical and likely illegal in most jurisdictions. 

Q #6) Can I run ZPhisher on other Linux platforms besides Termux?

A: Yes, ZPhisher works on most Linux distros like Kali Linux. The Termux install steps will be slightly different for other Linux platforms.


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