5 considerable tips to follow while rewriting blog posts

Writing an impressive blog post is not rocket science!

All we need to make a strategy and follow some steps that are included in preparing attractive and plagiarism-free blog posts.

It is pretty cleared that everyone has a different definition of perfection but there are some general points to be considered.


We can say that without focusing on these general points, it can be very difficult to write an impressive blog post.

Sometimes, we love a blog post uploaded on the internet by some blogger and we want to write the same as it is.

But when we write the same as it is, it will be considered as plagiarized content and we need to avoid plagiarism strictly.

So, how can we do it?

We are going to share some important and interesting steps to rewrite a blog post and rank it higher as well.

Tips to rewrite an impressive blog post

Undoubtedly, there are many points or tips to follow while preparing a blog post but some of them can be ignored.

But some are meant to focus and that’s what we need to do for making a blog post unique and engaging.
So, let’s have a look at the steps.

1. Use article rewriters

If your preference is to go for the easiest approach then you can surely use a rewriter tool for rewriting any blog post.

Article rewriters are dedicated to making the content unique by changing the words, sentences, and phrases just to make content free from plagiarism.

You can simply check the percentage of plagiarism before and after using an article rewriter so that it can be pretty clear that this tool can save you from the charge of using plagiarized content.

All you need to do is, copy-paste the content in the input field and you’ll surely get the rewritten text.
But the things are not over here!

We need to be focused on many more things like the rewritten content must be readable and containing simple words or synonyms.

We have seen that many tools are only concerned to make content unique while ignoring the readability and easiness of the content.

2. Target the audience

If you are not going to use an article rewriter then you can also rewrite the blog post on your own as long as you follow some steps.

First of all, you need to specify that for whom you are going to write your blog post and it is really important if you are willing to rank this post.

There are several things to consider while targeting your audience like
  • Age group
  • Gender
  • Profession
These three things are general and there can be many more but focusing on these points is enough to properly target your audience.

You must write the content according to your audience like if you are targeting students then you need to write the blog post as simple as a student can easily read and understand your point.

And if you are going to write for some professional, you can write it formally that can show you how professional you are.

Same as, when you are focusing on gender, things can be differentiated by various means and this differentiation can surely be helpful for you.

3. Do keyword research

It is quite obvious that there can be a factor “failure” and you need to rewrite a blog post and most of the time the reason for failure is wrong keyword research.

Some people thought that keywords can be ignored and they ignore them but it is something very harmful.

It’s just like you are ignoring the basic need of a blog post and it can be really difficult to rank higher.
Keywords also help your post to be reachable by your audience and if you don’t target the right keywords then how can it be reachable to the right audience?

Make it clear that if your blog post is not readable by the right audience then it cannot be beneficial for you so, do proper keyword research.

There is no such difficulty while finding or targeting suitable keywords and if you are a blogger, you must be already aware of it.

4. Prepare a strong outline

The outline must be clear and strong enough to convince the audience to read your blog post but how can we make it best?

All we can do is, specify the main heading, the central idea of the content, subheadings, and what the readers will get after reading your blog post.

You need to specify all these things very clearly so that it can be easy for your reader to decide either to read your blog post or not.

The easiest way to prepare an outline is to, put all the headings in the table of content and it can also be easy for your readers to understand.

But keep it in your mind that you must add the headings that are present in your blog post otherwise you will put your reputation at risk.

Some bloggers specify their outline by adding the headings that are not present in the content in actuality and this is not right and fair for your audience.

5. Engage your readers

According to research, a reader decides to continue reading just by having a look at the first two lines.

So, we need to write the starting of the content in a way that the readers will surely invest their time and interest in your blog post.

Once you engage your readers, they will surely read the complete content so, make the starting very impressive.


Rewriting the blog post can be very easy and simple if you follow the 5 above-discussed points and it is pretty clear that it depends on you to make your task or difficult.

As we mentioned above that the easiest approach is to use an online tool named article rewriter and using this tool is very easy.

It’s just a copy-paste game so, it depends on you either to use a tool or rewrite the blog post on your own.

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