Apex legend is the most widely played game in the category of Battle-Royale squad game. The game takes place in the Titanfall Universe, where squads of three players are dropped in the region of King Canyon to battle and win as the last squad to survive. For beginners, the game can be a challenge, because they are not used to the controls, and playing against the experts with or little practice can be overwhelming and discouraging.
Here, we have shared some excellent tips and tricks to help beginners win in Apex Legends. The players can also find the latest and best Apex Legends cheats and aimbots here on Lavi Cheats website to learn and change their gameplay to play like a pro and become a champion.
The tips are intended to guide beginners in understanding the nuances and features of the game. The landing and looting in Apex Legends are similar to other Battle Royale games but then there are subtle differences that can be the game changer if the players develop their understanding of it.
1. Don’t have to be a Jumpmaster
If you are auto-picked as a Jumpmaster but don’t want the responsibility, that is to lead the drop, then you can give the task by hitting the prompt button during the countdown and the task goes to the person who is picked as the second. This way the beginners do not feel pressured and can focus on their gameplay.
2. Try to land far away
Again, if you are not comfortable landing in the area of action, then you have the choice to land on the outskirts of the map. This way you have the time to get settled after getting your feet on the land and learn more about the map, controls, loot, and other things in the meantime.
3. Try to land on the supply ship
When you drop on the region of King Canyon, you will see an icon for a supply ship on the map. These ships carry high tiers of loot so you must time your drop path correctly to land on the supply ship.
Remember, you will encounter other players on the ship so be prepared for a tough fight and if things go wrong, it is best to jump off the ship as soon as you get your hands on a high-tier weapon.
4. Split off during the drop
Make sure that you land in an area with buildings around, so that you and your teammates do not fight over the same loot and you can move towards other buildings, where the chances are high to find especially scarce ammo, so it is good to find different types of weapons to have an edge in the game.
5. Learn to ping
In Apex legends, the ping system is very helpful to connect with your teammates without using a microphone. Make sure that you learn to ping properly. The player can quickly ping loot for the team, can point out the enemy, decline any action, and using the ping you can even indicate that you are going to get a specific loot in any area.
If your enemy has already ping out a loot, you can cancel their pings by pinging that loot again. If you double-tap anywhere you can mark an enemy, this is the most important ping that you must not forget.
6. Know Your Legend
One of the most important combat strategies in the game is to know your Legend. In Apex Legends, your character is a legend, and each legend has its own unique abilities such as tactical and ultimate abilities. No other character can duplicate your abilities, so invest your time in learning each Legend so you can team up to battle the enemies with good synergy.
7. Fight with a good armor
It is important in Apex Legends just like any other Battle-Royale game that you recharge your body armor before you enter in a battle. If you get caught in a shootout without armor, let your teammates with an armor fight on the front lines or just try to escape the scene before you get injured or killed.