All About Link Building As A Part Of SEO Strategy

Link building is a crucial element for SEO. In short, it is the process of building backlinks to the target site. Link building specialists use this SEO direction to create a site’s link profile. It’s a primary method for website promotion in search engines.

All About Link Building As A Part Of SEO Strategy

Famously, search engines are most favorable to sites with hundreds and thousands of different types of backlinks from relevant sites. However, it is an art to form a correct link profile, which we’ll tell you in this article. So keep reading to know the latest tips and the best tactics for your backlink creating process effectiveness.

Link Strategy Guide

The main steps of link strategy are as follows:

✔️ Analyzing the link profiles of competitors
✔️ Creating a work plan for link placement.
✔️ Selection of premium donor sites.
✔️ Link placement.

Why is this order? Because building an effective strategy is based on the link profiles of competitors promoting the same queries as you. In other words, you should first look at how many and what links are using your competitors. And then do at least as good (somewhat, better) and take the top spots in search results. Analysis of competitors is also critical because search engines carefully check the quality and quantity of links. 

An excessive number of anchors from low-quality resources will quickly drive the website under sanctions and give it a hard life for months. In this case, focusing on competitors from the top is a kind of guarantee of a strong link strategy. Below we break down the best link-building techniques.

Step 1. Analyze Сompetitors

First, you must collect a list of competitors with whom the site has standard semantics. You can do this step with the help of special services. A more straightforward way is to enter a query into a search engine and collect data from the top 10.

Need to know. Choose companies similar to you in size and assortment. Promote a small online store or local site — study the same modest resources, not the giants of the top 3.

Step 2. Analyze The Number Of Donors And Links

Once you’ve got and fixed a list of competitors, look at how many donors they use, what links they buy, what pages they strengthen. You can also get a backlinks service from for boosting your website SEO. Also, pay attention to the shares in the total link mass. You can find all this information to help special services for link analysis. There are two numbers to watch first from competitors in these services: donor domains and the total backlinks.

Important clarification. Donors are unique domains referring to your site. External links are direct URLs to specific pages. Therefore, external links can be several times more than donors.

During your analysis, you will notice that sites in the top 5 are often rich in links and donors. There is no need to get upset right away: sites with only a hundred backlinks in other topics but good internal or behavioral factors are at the top. This is proof that relying only on one way to promote isn’t a good idea. Everything works in combination.

Step 3: Divide Links By Pages

It would help if you examined the distribution of links within competitor pages at this stage. Now you need to understand how many links lead to the home and product pages of the site. Ideally, you should gather as much information as possible — the more data available, the more accurate and relevant the link strategy. If you have enough time, analyze a few dozen pages of each site. It would be best to calculate the proportion of links on each site page.

Step 4: Plan For Growth

So you have a total number of links that you need and pages on which you’ll lead from these links. Now turn to calculate the dynamics — the number of backlinks, which should increase the resource from month to month. Why is this so important? Because search engine algorithms do not like cheaters.

You will likely drive the site under sanctions if you build up link mass too quickly. On the other hand, too slow will delay promotion, which does not suit either the optimizer or the site owner. Thus, it is better to keep the benchmark competitors and try a little more than they did. Look at the statistics: the number of links and donors that competitors from the top added during the year.

Step 5: Build An Anchor List

An anchor list is a list of words and phrases that build the text part of the link. Making such a list is a significant part of the link promotion strategy. Links can be anchor links and unanchored ones.

Anchor links include keywords, commercial or informational queries: "buy," "price," etc.

Unanchored can be:
  • Branded link types with the name of the company or product in the anchor:
  • Direct URL without text:
  • Link pictures
  • Links with generic phrases in the anchor: read more, here, read more, visit this page, which is considered one of the best options in 2022.
Anchors give more weight to the ranking than simple URLs. And Google’s algorithms know about that. Overly correct or, conversely, strange anchors can alert search engines. And if the site has a lot of anchor links needed for the optimizer, it could be a problem. Thus, you need to gather the correct data for work to get a plan to increase the link mass of the site, which includes:

- Total number of links and donor sites
- Pagination
- Anchor list with types of links
- Dynamics


Link-building strategies are an essential part of business promotion on the web and increasing the number of clients. Proper website promotion with links on specific sites can bring web pages to the top and improve the company’s image. Our link building for SEO specialists and specialists know where to buy eternal links for the quality promotion of your web resource.

So what is needed for successful link building? You should consider the following steps:
  • understanding your target audience and their needs 
  • analysis of competitors
  • a competent promotion strategy
  • step-by-step promotion
  • the selection of authoritative sites
  • the use of manual links.
Author bio:

Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing, and SEO. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German, and English.

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