Are You Generating Enough Leads From Your Website

As a business owner, one of the most difficult tasks is trying to figure out how your website can generate more leads. Using your website to generate leads can help you understand your customers and find ways to optimize your website for more conversions. A website that’s effective at lead generation can help you close sales and give your sales team more prospects to contact. However, if your website is struggling to get traffic, you’re likely struggling to get leads. This article will discuss the top reasons why your website isn’t generating enough leads for your business and how to fix it.

Your Website Isn’t Responsive

Your customers expect your website to look just as good on mobile as it does on desktop. If you’re an eCommerce website, odds are your customers are likely using their smartphones to shop online. Check your website analytics to determine what technologies your users are using, and try to ensure your website functions well on all devices, including tablets.

Providing a quality user experience can improve customer satisfaction and increase the number of leads your website can generate on desktop and mobile. If you check your website on your smartphone and it doesn’t load correctly or looks poor and lacks proper navigation, consider hiring a web designer and developer who can help you make your website responsive.

No Value Proposition

You have a lot of competition out there, and your prospects need to know why they should choose you over the competition. A value proposition tells customers what they can expect when they work with you. On your website, you should aim to talk about the benefits you provide customers. If your website is self-involved and only talks about how great your business is, it’s unlikely to convert.

Testimonials are a great way to showcase the benefits your company offers its customers, but you should also focus on your branding. Putting together a messaging framework can help you get a clear picture of your value proposition. These frameworks can also help you improve your brand messaging and can encourage better website copy.

No Social Media Presence

Believe it or not, you might not be getting leads from your website because you’re not driving qualified prospects to your website through the right digital marketing strategies. Social media lead generation can help you bring in more leads via your website or directly from social media ads designed to make it easy for people to provide you with their information. However, the type of social media you use, including the platform, should be conducive to your customers. For B2B businesses, you’ll want to focus on social media platforms where you can find other business owners, such as LinkedIn.

You can take advantage of lead generation ads on any social media platform and even find qualified job candidates, customers, and business partners using the same methods.

You Don’t Understand Your Target Audience

Every business has a target audience, and you need to learn as much as possible about them. Knowing your audience and understanding their pain points can help you develop your brand messaging and help you stand out from the competition.

First, you should identify your target audience by doing extensive research into the types of people that might be interested in buying your products or services. 

Not Enough Website Traffic

If you notice you’re not generating many leads from your website, check your website and marketing analytics to determine if you’re getting enough traffic. Typically, the more traffic you have, the more opportunity you have to convert. If you notice you’re not getting enough web traffic to get leads, you might have to invest in a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy or another type of digital marketing technique that brings more prospects to your website.

No Calls to Action

Even if you think your website is straightforward, you still should tell visitors exactly what the next steps are. For B2B businesses, the next steps might be to contact your sales team via a form or phone number, and it may also be scheduling a call to learn more. However, if your website doesn’t tell people what they should do next on any of your web pages, people may not understand how to proceed with their transactions.

If your website lacks calls to action, try to develop clever buttons that tell your visitors exactly what they should do next. It’s best practice to keep your most important calls to action above the fold so people can see them as soon as they land on your website.

Your Forms Aren’t Optimized

If you generate leads through forms on your website, those forms should be optimized to help people fill them out. If you have long forms, people may be deterred from filling them out because it can appear time-consuming. However, a form that’s too short might not help you qualify leads effectively. There are a few ways you can optimize your forms for better performance, including making them more straightforward if they’re too long and ensuring they’re mobile-friendly.

You're Not Tracking Your Website

Whether your users fill out a form or they’re asked to call you to continue the sales process, you should be able to track every button clicked on your website to ensure it’s working properly. By being able to measure form submissions and phone number clicks, you can come up with experiments to optimize your website and improve conversion rates.

You can easily set up form tracking if you’re using a special form plug-in or marketing software like HubSpot. Additionally, you can use Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics to track button clicks and form submissions.

Final Thoughts

Generating leads through your website should be easy, but if your website isn’t performing well and your forms aren’t optimized, you could be losing valuable prospects. By ensuring your website is mobile-friendly and forms are constantly working, you can improve your lead generation rates and help your sales team become more successful. Once you’ve figured out how to get more leads, you can experiment with ways to have your website bring you more qualified leads.

Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a contributing writer at where she shares knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, or financial tips. During her free time she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music.

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