How To Use A VPN To Enhance Your Online Experience

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) were originally a tool of the internet connoisseur, back before it was clearly known or apparent that governments and third parties were trying to track and collect your personal online data. They would use VPNs as tools that could guarantee your online privacy. They would hide your IP address and keep your internet traffic running through an encrypted tunnel that would dissuade hackers or nefarious third parties from even trying to intercept your data. 

In the present internet age, however, things have changed. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are actively collecting your internet traffic to collect your online data. They utilize this in various ways, whether it is selling it to governments who want to get ahead of public trends or third-party businesses who want to spam you with targeted advertising. It was recently found that data is becoming much more valuable than oil, showing that your data and personal anonymity are only going to get encroached on more.

In even more recent times, a lot of internet users are becoming more cottoned on to the idea of a Private Internet Access VPN. They now realise that they can do more than just anonymity. They can completely enhance your internet journey, whether it is through unblocking news websites or allowing you to access TV shows in different parts of the world. The COVID-19 pandemic saw a huge boost in VPN users, mainly because the world went fully digital and online. Internet users realised that a VPN not only had its security benefits but could also do so much more for your online experience. 


VPNs can work to grant you anonymity and cloak your online activity. A huge reason is to keep your data to yourself, as companies and governments seek to intercept it more than ever. The market for personal online data information has never been bigger, as we enter an age where personalized and targeted advertising is the norm. Governments are stepping over the line when it comes to online freedoms too after the US government did a deal with Verizon and bought up a huge amount of customer online data and activity. A VPN gives you that privacy that can give you the peace of mind that your data or personal information isn’t being traded like a commodity.


A VPN can do a huge job of giving you security and safety when you go online. In big part, the way it hides your visibility does so against cybercriminals and hackers. A big way that these malicious online criminals attack is by tracking the potential victims, identifying who they should target, and then making a move. A VPN will make you disappear from their radar, meaning if you went on to a website that was a trap set by hackers or cybercriminals, they would never know. It would also negate the dependency on antivirus and firewalls by making sure too much stress is not placed on them. 


A VPN’s biggest seller for many newbie internet users and entertainment seekers can be the content it can unlock. Many people are still unaware of how restricted they are when it comes to viewing content on streaming platforms. Sites like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Disney Plus all have geographical restrictions which prevent you from accessing certain shows in different locations. It can be very frustrating if you are in the US and want to watch a UK-based TV show, or if you are in Asia and love watching UK snooker but cannot get access to the UK national broadcast. By using a VPN, you get more access to movies, sports, and more. VPNs also help you get past governmental regulations which stop you from accessing certain news content. 

Internet Speed

As well as collecting your data and selling it for profit, all without your consent or notice, your Internet Service Provider can also restrict your internet speed for essentially no reason. It’s a process known as ‘network throttling’ which is something that is done by ISPs when they notice you might be doing a download or streaming a TV show or sporting event. How do they know this? Well, as we mentioned before, they track all your internet traffic and personal data. They know what you are doing and what you are likely to be doing all at once. They will throttle your network speeds to make sure bandwidth is spread across your region. It can be very frustrating for an internet user, especially when it isn’t always warranted. This will cause your streaming, gaming or download to buffer or slow. The use of a VPN can prevent your ISP from tracking your online activity or internet traffic, so the risk of getting network throttled would be a thing of the past.

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