What is popunder traffic?

Website Traffic

Finding an effective and at the same time inexpensive form of advertising is the ultimate goal of all professionals working in the field of marketing. Advertisers, webmasters and affiliate marketers who promote various products or services have encountered PopUnder advertising at least once in their lives. This format often attracts specialists with its relative cheapness. But in order for the popunder to be effective, you need to delve deeper into the features of this type of advertising.

Pop-under traffic is an online advertising format that was first scripted two decades ago. The popunder ads work as follows: when a user opens the site and clicks on any area of ​​the web page, they see a pop-up banner. But after clicking the "Close" button on the banner, the advertising page opens in a separate tab, and does not disappear.

This is a popular advertising format, but you need to understand that it is more difficult than other types of promotion. In order for the popunder to be effective and not irritate the user, you need to be sure that your ad is of high quality, intriguing and able to really interest the user. If you do everything right, you will get good traffic for little money - this is the secret of the popunder popularity.

A high-quality and effective popunder opens up many opportunities for you: boosting the site's rating, increasing the number of page views, and growing the awareness of the advertised brand. In addition, this is a good way to get maximum coverage with minimal investment, collect information about the audience, increase the number of sales or application installations. In short, it all depends on your end goals and the tools you use.

How does popunder traffic work?

Newbies often do not see the difference between a popunder and a PopUp ad. But there is a difference, and it is fundamental. Unlike a popup ad, a popunder ad will fire most of the time when a user clicks on any area of ​​a website page. But at the same time, a new window with advertising information will appear not on top of the active window, but under it.

The advantage of this mechanic is that the popunder ad does not interrupt browsing in the user's active window. The person continues to consume the content of interest and will see the advertising page only after they close the main tab.

That is why popunders are considered less intrusive and not as aggressive as many other types of online advertising. They do not cause the same irritation and rejection among buyers as advertising messages that interrupt the viewing of targeted content. As a result, popunders are much more likely to be viewed after the user has left the main website.

By the way, another type of advertising, the mechanics of which has much in common with popunders, is ClickUnders. The difference is that an invisible grid is overlaid on top of the main window. Thus, the user activates the advertising page by pressing any button or area of ​​the site, and not just through the "Close" button.

Pros and cons of popunder traffic

Many affiliates, webmasters and marketers from affiliate networks start their journey with popunders. The reason is simple: pop-under traffic is one of the easiest ad formats to get a conversion. Like any other type of online advertising, popunders have both pros and cons.

Low bid prices and the ability to get a huge amount of traffic are the reasons why pop-under traffic remains popular for most niches, no matter what category of products or services you work with. But you need to understand that the audience of pop traffic is often cold, so you need to work very hard on the ad itself so that it brings good results.

It is worth choosing the offer very carefully, taking into account all its features. Be sure to carefully examine the site on which the popunder is placed. For example, many use pop traffic on sites with free content. On such sites, the audience receives its benefits and is more loyal to any type of advertising, since in return they can enjoy films, music and other content that are interesting to them for free.

Although pop-under advertising has been around for decades, it has not lost its popularity. This is a stable format that is able to regularly bring traffic, and in the hands of an experienced specialist, it can even become a source of huge profits.


To understand the secret of the inexhaustible popularity of popunder ads, let us take a closer look at the benefits this type of advertising traffic provides:
  • The low cost of offers is perhaps the main advantage of popunder advertising, which so often attracts newbie marketers. Compared to contextual or native advertising, the cost per click in pop traffic is much lower, which helps to minimize the cost of error.
  • Easy Adaptation. Popunder ads are quite easy to adapt to different devices. This allows you to reach an even larger audience, as ads will be displayed to users on different operating systems, regardless of whether they consume content from a computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet.
  • Simplicity of the format. Fwork, in fact, it will be enough for you to create a good and high-quality landing page that can catch the attention of the buyer. In addition, it greatly simplifies the process of testing the offer.
  • Short funnel, a chain leading the user to the target action, contains a minimum of actions. This means that it will be easier to get a conversion in this case than through many other advertising formats.
  • The volume of coverage and traffic - this advantage follows from all the previous ones. Popunders can be found on websites of different categories (including entertainment), which makes it possible to reach a very large and diverse audience. Therefore, pop traffic is often used to promote consumer goods.


Of course, there is no such type of traffic that would not have a disadvantage. Popunder traffic is no exception, because this type of advertising requires a competent approach and understanding of the key factors that affect the effectiveness of the campaign.

Among the disadvantages of pop traffic are the following:
  • Cold Audience. It is important not to "overdo it" here so that the ad does not irritate users, even if it pops up below the main page. It is worth paying attention to the optimal display frequency, otherwise you risk quickly boring your audience.
  • Bots for cheating. Bot traffic is not uncommon in this format, although networks that care about their reputation are trying to fight it. Therefore, it is worth regularly weeding out bots and low-quality traffic, including using trackers with additional protection against bots.
  • Poor quality ad networks. Unfortunately, not all networks are fighting bot traffic. You need to carefully choose partners, the quality of traffic of which you can be sure of. The level of conversions directly depends on this, so work with the networks that do not accept bot traffic.

Is pop-under advertising effective?

If you have never worked with pop-under traffic, this format may seem inefficient at first glance. This is due to the fact that popunders are not immediately visible to users. But this type of traffic can and should be used because of its main advantage - non-invasiveness.

By opening a new browser window, popunders provide uninterrupted web surfing for users who are annoyed by ads that interfere with viewing content. As a result, the average conversion rate is equal to pop-ups, which makes it possible to get a good profit at a relatively low cost. Popunders will grab attention anyway, as most users check all browser tabs before closing them.

Your task is to create a solid landing page. Make sure that the text is concise and understandable, and contains a clear call to action. It is also important to check the loading speed of the landing and pre-landing pages, carefully test them so as not to lose the customer even before they see the advertising page.

Follow the optimal display frequency so as not to annoy one user several times a day. And, of course, do not forget about regular optimization, filtering out bot traffic. Luckily, there are many ad networks on the market that can help you choose the right tools for popunders, improve your campaign performance, and ensure the quality of your traffic.

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