Managed SOC vs. In-House SOC: Which is the Best Fit for Your Business?

Managed SOC vs. In-House SOC

In today's technology-driven world, cybersecurity threats are increasing at an alarming rate. Data breaches and cyber-attacks can cause significant financial and reputational damage to businesses. Therefore, organisations must implement robust security measures to protect their assets and data. Two popular security solutions are Managed SOC and In-House SOC. In this article, we will discuss the differences between the two and help you decide which is the best fit for your business.

What is a Managed SOC?

A Managed Security Operations Center (SOC) is a service offered by a third-party provider that manages an organisation's security operations. A managed cyber SOC service provider offers security monitoring, threat detection, incident response, and remediation services. The provider has a team of security experts who monitor the organisation's network and endpoints 24/7/365. They use advanced security tools and techniques to detect and respond to security threats quickly.

What is an In-House SOC?

An In-House SOC is a security operations centre that is owned and managed by the organisation. The organisation has a team of security professionals who manage the security operations. They are responsible for monitoring the organisation's network and endpoints, detecting and responding to security threats, and implementing security policies and procedures.

Managed SOC vs. In-House SOC: Which is the Best Fit for Your Business?

Now that we know what Managed SOC and In-House SOC are, let's discuss the differences between the two and help you decide which is the best fit for your business.


Cost is an essential factor to consider when choosing between a Managed SOC and an In-House SOC. Managed SOC services are typically more cost-effective than In-House SOC because they are shared among multiple customers. Managed SOC providers have a team of security experts who are trained and experienced in managing security operations. This means that organisations can benefit from the expertise of these professionals without having to invest in hiring and training their own teams.

On the other hand, In-House SOC requires a significant investment in hiring and training security professionals. The organisation must also invest in security tools and technologies, which can be expensive.


Managed SOC providers have a team of security experts who are trained and experienced in managing security operations. They have experience in detecting and responding to security threats and have access to advanced security tools and techniques. This means that organisations can benefit from the expertise of these professionals without having to invest in hiring and training their own teams.

In-House SOC requires organisations to hire and train their own security professionals. This means that the organisation may not have access to the same level of expertise as a Managed SOC provider. In-House SOC professionals may also be limited in their knowledge of the latest security tools and techniques.


Managed SOC services are typically more flexible than In-House SOC. Managed SOC providers offer a range of services that can be customised to meet the organisation's specific security needs. This means that organisations can choose the services that are most relevant to their business and budget.

In-House SOC requires organisations to invest in security tools and technologies. This means that they may be limited in their ability to customise their security solutions. In addition, In-House SOC may not be able to offer the same level of scalability as Managed SOC.


In-House SOC provides organisations with greater control over their security operations. The organisation has full visibility and control over its security policies and procedures. This means that they can customise their security solutions to meet their specific needs and have greater control over the security of their assets and data.

Managed SOC providers may not provide the same level of control as In-House SOC. Managed SOC providers have their own policies and procedures that may not be customizable to meet the organisation's specific needs. This means that organisations may have limited control over their security operations, which can be a concern for some businesses.


In conclusion, both Managed SOC and In-House SOC have their pros and cons, and the decision ultimately depends on your organisation's specific needs and budget. Managed SOC services are typically more cost-effective and flexible, and organisations can benefit from the expertise of security professionals without having to invest in hiring and training their own teams. On the other hand, In-House SOC provides organisations with greater control over their security operations and may be more suitable for larger organisations with more significant security needs.

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