The Major Differences Between UX & UI Design

In short, User eXperience builds on the user's experience with a design. How convenient and functional it was for them, then its analysis is carried out. Only after that, work begins on the implementation of the most effective design for the company, convenient and functional for the user. The User Interface defines the visual part of the product based on the needs of the target audience.

But, nevertheless, for a more accurate understanding, let's take a closer look at what UX and UI design are and who is a UX / UI designer.

Main difference

UX aims to achieve the user's goals. UI is on the appearance of the product, in which the user will achieve these very goals.

The difference between UI and UX lies in solving different problems. UX design services are based on the analysis of previous user actions when interacting with a site or application. Based on this, prototypes are created, tests are carried out, and the structure of interrelated elements in the application or on the site is developed. The UI helps to create a pleasant experience with graphic elements, build trust and attract the user to a purchase.

In practice, these two design directions are tightly interconnected.

Difference between UX and UI design

Who is a UI / UX designer

UI and UX designers are different professions. Many employers are confused about these concepts, that’s why they are looking for a person who can work simultaneously in these two areas. Thus, making a gross mistake: a designer who positions himself as UI and UX at the same time is likely to create a poor quality product. Therefore, we will analyze both professions separately.

UX designer

The goal of a UX designer is to provide the client with the ability to easily and quickly achieve their goals. That is why, in UX, the collection and analysis of data are also mandatory. Then, using Wireframes, prototypes and, of course, the UI, the designer creates a fairly convenient and accessible product.

A UX designer's job consists of:
  • Study of the target audience to understand the needs for interactivity of the interface of a potential buyer;
  • Collecting and analyzing information about the experience of the user's previous interaction with the product and/or main competitors, analyzing the tasks that they solve thanks to their UX. Development of a strategy for the implementation of prototypes and Wireframes;
  • Development of prototypes and wireframes. Creation of a clickable prototype with a diagram of the intended user paths in the application and/or on the website. Testing prototypes, finding problem areas;
  • Development. Corrections at all stages of development, work with developers, and approval of the finished project.
Going deeper, it's worth noting that a UX designer must answer the following questions:
  1. What does the portrait of the target audience look like (age, gender, interests)?
  2. What attracts the user to long-term interaction with the interface?
  3. Is it comfortable for the user to perform any actions in the application or on the site?
  4. How quickly the user should reach their goal?
  5. Are there obstacles that prevent the user from reaching the goal or slow down this process?

UI designer

Just like UX, a UI designer has several responsibilities. Among them are:
  • The main task of a UI designer is to study and understand how the user reacts to various graphic elements. When developing prototypes, this makes it possible to give the user a clear understanding of what elements he can interact with. Which button or image should be clicked for more information;
  • Logo design, creation of attractive, smooth animations, and various graphic elements. An extremely important stage in design development. It allows you to create a sense of uniqueness, which in turn contributes to the formation of the brand image;
  • Prototyping and testing the adaptability of an application or site.
A good UI designer must first have a lot of experience and understanding of the main aspects of a quality UI.

The main goal of a UI designer is not only to create an attractive appearance for a product. Getting a positive emotional response from the user is just as important. And remember, you can't achieve this goal without the help of a UX designer. That is why they must work together (consider DataArt) at all stages of the development of a website or application design.

Don't forget the basic rules of UX and UI:

> UX and UI should be developed by different people, whose work will be interconnected;
> You won't be able to achieve high user satisfaction without UX and UI;
> There is indeed a difference between UX and UI, but they should not be singled out separately in the work, since these are two complementary types of design.

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