7 Tools for Effective Learning


Even the best professionals constantly need to learn new things. That is why the ability oF effective learning is almost the most valuable skill in a career. One of the strategies for effective learning is to see a competent approach to the implementation of a particular task. Therefore, students turn to cheapwriting. services. Specialists will prepare the correct paper and on its basis students can master the skill of writing.

But cognitive scientists who study learning and memory claim that most people study incorrectly. And so they debunk myths about learning and give practical advice to help you train better, remember what you've learned longer, and most importantly, learn a topic well, rather than getting the illusion of knowledge.

1. Self-questioning

This is the easiest tool for getting information out of your head. Just make a habit of asking yourself questions like this while you're learning a new thing or after each text/video you read/watch:
  1. What is the main point of this material?
  2. What concepts are new to me?
  3. How does this new knowledge relate to what I already know?

Self-questioning helps you retrieve knowledge from your memory, activate it, reinforce it, and connect it to what you already know. It is recommended that you set aside time each week to self-question the material you have learned both this week and earlier. This method seems less productive than constant re-reading, but it ensures that what you've learned will stay in your memory for a long time. This leads to effective learning.

2. Interval study

Any information you need to periodically get out of memory so that it is really remembered. Practice produces results when repeated at a certain interval. To do this, transfer the strategy of self-questioning to the long-term plan. Ask yourself a question not only immediately after reading, but also in two weeks, and in a month

For example, if you use cards to learn foreign words, don't put off the ones you've studied over several repetitions. Add them to the others and keep adding them until you've mastered them perfectly, and then come back to them once a month. Or, if you figured out Photoshop last month and are now mastering Illustrator, don't forget to devote an hour to Photoshop once a week.

By pulling knowledge from your long-term memory, you're strengthening it and improving your memory at the same time.

3. Alternating between different types of tasks

Training information is often presented in blocks. A scheme for solving a certain problem and many examples for it, then moving on to the next section. But such a block system is less efficient at alternating between different types of tasks.

To remember the information for a long time, arrange checks for different types of tasks. Get out of memory the method of solving each of them. For example, when dealing with math formulas, don't learn one type at a time. Take turns solving problems that require different solutions. This way you will better train to distinguish the characteristics of different problems and find the method of solving them faster.

4. Finding analogies with your knowledge

This tool will help you to build associative connections and link fresh information with actual knowledge. This way it is much easier to retrieve it from your memory. To do this, you can explain the material in your own words to others or try to understand how it relates to your life outside of your studies.

Also, an effective form of elaboration is to find a metaphor or visual accompaniment to the new material. The more you understand how different knowledge relates to what you already know, the better you will master the material and easily remember it later.

5. Generating

You've probably guessed at least once in your life how a movie you're watching or a book you're reading will end. Now transfer this superpower to your studies. Try to generate a problem solution or definition before you start familiarizing yourself with new material.

For example, do exercises on putting missing words into the text when you learn a foreign language. This allows you to remember new words better than when you read the text without the omissions. Or try explaining in advance the basic concepts you hope to see in the new material, and then check to see if you got it wrong.

By diving into the unknown and solving riddles, you have a better chance to learn and remember the solution. This is much more effective learning than if someone first explained to you what's what. This also applies to the question of studying the best crypto exchange.

6. Reflection

In short, you need to determine how to objectively analyze your knowledge and find gaps in it. After each session, and once a month, reflect on what you have learned with these questions:
  1. What went well?
  2. What could have been done better?
  3. What do you need to master the material better?
  4. What strategies can you use next time for better results?

If you can learn to objectively evaluate what you know and don't know, you can avoid the illusion of knowledge that was discussed at the beginning of this article.

7. Mnemotechnics

Mnemonics are like mental archives with files that help you get what you've learned from memory. Mnemonics can be associated with superhumans who can memorize a thousand characters of the Pi number. But in reality, they are not so complex and you can use them in your daily studies.

Interestingly, mnemonics don't really provide the tools to learn the material. It creates structures that make it easier to get what you've learned from memory.

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